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Agreement signed with the University of Tor Vergata

Agreement signed with the University of Tor Vergata

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 1639 volte

The University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ joins ICDI to enhance the development of open science and the federation of resources in EOSC.

The network of universities in ICDI is expanding with the participation of the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’. By joining the agreement, Tor Vergata participates in the ICDI working table by making available the competences and infrastructures of excellence developed at national and international level and by actively participating in the development of the strategy for the access and federation of resources in EOSC. Among these, there is the new research infrastructure ISIS@MACH ITALIA (MAterials Characterization Hub), the first Hub of the UK based ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. 

Short history of ISIS@MACH ITALIA

1985: University of Rome Tor Vergata is the first European partner of ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source (UK)

August 2019: The Lazio Region funds the ISIS@MACH Project, the first Node outside the UK of the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (UK), which, following the implementation of ISIS@MACH, goes from being a Global Research Infrastructure, included in the 2014-2020 PNIR, to a distributed IR in the 2021-2027 PNIR.

ISIS@MACH (28/8/2019 - 27/8/2024) offers public and private users access to the network of instruments at the University of Tor Vergata and the Fermi Centre and to ISIS' neutron and muon beamlines through ISIS@MACH's NEUTRON GATE, which is used for the characterisation of the structure and dynamics at the atomic scale of materials, using complementary light, neutron and muon probes. From 28 August 2019 to date, the total number of access to ISIS@MACH and ISIS has been 45 days and 38 days, respectively. These accesses have been used by public and private users; the access to ISIS was made possible thanks to an investment entirely supported by the Lazio Region and carried out through the NEUTRON GATE of ISIS@MACH. Access to the network of facilities in Italy and the UK is made possible through the submission of experimental proposals, which are then approved by independent peer reviewers.

April 2020: A research collaboration agreement (through the establishment of a Joint Research Unit (JRU)) is signed with the following subscribing partners: University of Rome Tor Vergata (Rome), AIRI (Rome), CGSI (Florence). The agreement aims at aggregating and integrating the competences of the Parties to expand research, experimental development and user access capabilities of ISIS@MACH and the NEUTRON GATE of the ISIS facility. The JRU is an agreement open to the adhesion of public and private partners.

May 2020: At the request of the University of Tor Vergata, the MUR records in its official register the establishment of the JRU with the name ISIS@MACH ITALIA (IMI), the first Node of the ISIS Facility. The creation of the JRU enhances the investment of the Lazio Region and the University of Tor Vergata, which promoted the creation of a highly innovative research infrastructure model at national and international level. 

June 2021: The CNR and Venice International University join ISIS@MACH ITALIA (IMI).

IMI is included in PNIR 2021-2027 as a hub of ISIS Neutron and Muon source.

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