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CMCC Foundation joins ICDI

CMCC Foundation joins ICDI

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 1833 volte

Agreement signed with the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change 

The CMCC Foundation, which studies the climate system with the aim of stimulating sustainable growth and developing adaptation and mitigation policies based on scientific knowledge, has joined the ICDI network.

CMCC is organized in the form of a network - consisting of the head office in Lecce, where the Supercomputing Centre is located, housing the latest generation of computers for one of the most important facilities in Europe, and operational offices and labs in Bologna, Capua, Milan, Sassari, Venice and Viterbo - in which all the functions of the entire chain of climate change studies are distributed. This type of organisation allows for systematic collaboration between scientists and researchers in different locations, achieving an organic integration of multidisciplinary expertise. The Centre participates in many research projects on a global scale, collaborating with centres of excellence in climate science and policy.


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