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To promote synergies between Italian Research Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures, and coordinate the Italian participation in national and international initiatives and programmes;
To contribute to the creation and discussion of national strategies for the participation in the construction of an European Open Science Cloud and European Data Infrastructure;
To foster the development of a national and European data network, basing on data producers and on the various service levels offered by Research Infrastructures, R&E networks and advanced computing centres;
Collaborate to a common definition of federated services, in order to optimise their usage for the benefits of already involved scientific communities, while extending to new ones the access to the federated services.

Consortium GARR - Via dei Tizii, 6 - 00185 Roma
Phone +39 0649622000 - Fax +39 0649622044 | CF 97284570583 – PI 07577141000
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