European Research Council and open science. excellence is open
| Sara Di Giorgio | News
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Friday, 8. April 2022, 13:50 h, Open Science Café with Gina Pavone, Anna Pelagotti and Emma Lazzeri.
More and more funding bodies are supporting the adoption of Open Science principles. Among these is the European Research Council (ERC), an institution that has always been synonymous with the quality of research based on the excellence of candidates and no limitations on research topics and disciplines. And with a particular attention to Open Science practices, starting from the management and sharing of scientific data. We will talk about how ERC supports open science and what in practice is required from beneficiaries with Anna Pelagotti, policy expert at ERCEA, the Executive Agency of the European Research Council, Emma Lazzeri and Gina Pavone, of the ICDI Competence Center.
13:50 - 14:00 Link opening and welcome
14:00 - 14:10 Introduction
14:10 - 14:35 Presentation by Anna Pelagotti
14:35 - 15:00 Q&A/Discussion
Who will speak?
Gina Pavone is in charge of Open Science and Open Access at the Institute of Science and Information Technology of CNR. She also carries out training and support activities within the Competence Centre of ICDI and as National Open Access Desk of OpenAIRE. She coordinates the website open-science.it and is a journalist expert in data analysis. She graduated in publishing and journalism at the Sapienza University in Rome and obtained a second level master in big data analytics and social mining at the University of Pisa. She has participated in campaigns for the opening of public data and for the transparency of institutions and public administrations and has worked as a data analyst and data journalist.
Anna Pelagotti has a degree in Electronic Engineering, and currently works as a Policy Expert at ERCEA, the European Research Council Executive Agency in the Scientific Council Support Unit, focusing her work on open science and innovation. Previously, she worked as a Program Officer at the European Commission. Dr. Pelagotti is seconded from the National Research Council of Italy - CNR (National Institute of Optics). She has worked for public and private companies, starting her career at Philips Research Eindhoven (The Netherlands). His main scientific interests cover a wide range of topics, including biophotonics and digital imaging, with a focus on image understanding. She also holds a degree in pictorial restoration. She is co-founder and owner of Art-Test, a company specializing in providing services and devices for art diagnostics and authentication. She has written numerous scientific articles and book chapters, has been a reviewer and member of several scientific committees for more than twenty years, and holds 11 international patents.
Emma Lazzeri works for the GARR Consortium on the definition of strategies, tools, training and information on open science issues. Emma coordinates the ICDI (Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure) Task Force for the National Competence Centre for Open Science, FAIR and EOSC. She is part of several international boards related to EOSC and Open Science and collaborates in both national and European projects and initiatives.
Register for the event (in Italian language only) at the following link https://learning.garr.it/enrol/index.php?id=168