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Scuola Normale Superiore joins ICDI

Scuola Normale Superiore joins ICDI

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 917 volte

The Scuola Normale has included the development of Open Science in its 2019-2024 Programmatic Development Plan.

Open Science does not only consist in the dissemination of publications, but also in sharing of data and research protocols in order to foster transparency in the research process and the full use of the results.

In this perspective, the Scuola Normale has adopted a Regulation on access to scientific publications and supports research staff in the dissemination of results. It is also a partner in the SoBigData Research Infrastructure (, which aims to create an ecosystem for FAIR and FACT sharing of data, methods and social mining experiments to observe complex social phenomena, and participates as a member of the European Open Science Cloud Association.

Its membership in the ICDI national working group, which aims at developing the Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure, further strengthens the collaboration with the main Italian partners operating in the Open Science field in order to contribute to the establishment of the European Open Science Cloud, a virtual federated environment where data and tools for research and innovation can be published, found and reused.

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