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Teaching and training FAIR to HEI in Italy. National Roadshow in Italy

Teaching and training FAIR to HEI in Italy. National Roadshow in Italy

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 884 volte

The event will be in Italian. 

How are universities in Italy implementing and ensuring implementation of FAIR policies by students, educators and trainers? What’s the role of Data Stewards in higher education institutes in Italy?

FAIRsFAIR is glad to come and visit Italy with the last event of its National Roadshow series, organised in collaboration with ICDI, the Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure, and the EOSC Pillar project. Experts from the Italian education and research panorama will debate about how to support higher education institutions with practical implementation of the FAIR principles. Good practices and stories of successful integration of Research Data Management (RDM) and FAIR data-related skills in Italian university curricula and training will also be presented.

  • Target audience: university teachers and other professionals involved in the design and implementation of higher education programmes at different levels as well as data practitioners and trainers with an interest to support higher education institutions in this regard, including Data stewards, University Professors, Course designers, Research assistants, Training staff at Research institutes, Phd.

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