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Webinar ‘FAIR Data Management Gaps and Solutions’

Webinar ‘FAIR Data Management Gaps and Solutions’

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
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Registrations are now open for the webinar organised by the European projects DICE and EOSC-Pillar that will take place on 31 January 2022 at 11:00 CET.

In 2021, EOSC-Pillar project ran the “National Initiatives” survey which provided a snapshot of the state of national initiatives on open data and services in the five EOSC-Pillar countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy).

An entire section of the survey was dedicated to assess the needs and difficulties researchers face when re-using data, in particular what hinders and what facilitates the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability (FAIR) of data from a researcher’s perspective. The survey is continuing towards a broader discussion with all researchers and their teams to collect their opinions and provide recommendations to EOSC and its service providers.

At the same time, the DICE project started aiming to provide to all EOSC researchers and communities data management services to make their data FAIR and fill some of the gaps identified in the survey. The services are designed to be used across all domains and thus, are potentially useful to all research communities in Europe.

  • Want to know the outcomes of the survey?
  • Would you like to bring new findings and recommendations for the implementation of EOSC?
  • Have you had experience in making your data FAIR and do you want to share the difficulties you have encountered?
  • Are you looking for services to support you in making your data FAIR?

Then join EOSC-Pillar and DICE for this webinar. Register now!

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