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20 January 2021

The EOSC Association has opened a public call for candidates for the Secretary General.

18 December 2020

The first general assembly of EOSC Aisbl, the international organization that aims at implementing the European vision of open science, saw the election of the Italian Marialuisa Lavitrano as Director with a three-year mandate in the first BoD.

16 October 2020

The participation and the role of universities is crucial for the development of EOSC. The Milano-Bicocca University is the first University to join ICDI.

15 October 2020

The ICDI network is enlarged with the participation of the International School of Advanced Studies.

14 October 2020

With AREA Science Park's access to the collaboration agreement, the Italian open science family is growing.

30 September 2020

The ICDI Executive Board has published a position paper summarising the views expressed in response to the open consultation for the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), closed on the 31st of August.

29 July 2020

On the 29 July in Brussels the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) Association, an international non-profit association was created for the development and the coordination of the European Open Science Cloud. The EOSC is a European Commission initiative to integrate European research infrastructures and will facilitate access to large amounts of scientific data and advanced services for millions of scholars and professionals in the scientific and technological field.

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