6 May 2021: Webinar 'Between rights and obligations: copyright in scientific research'.
| Sara Di Giorgio | News
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A new Open Science Café appointment to discuss the economic and moral rights related to the works and results of research.
Scientific articles, presentations, software are protected by copyright and researchers, who hold these rights, sometimes are unaware by selling or transferring them. As happens with publications in commercial scientific journals. Many researchers - wrongly - consider it necessary to transfer copyright and property rights for their article to be published.
However, this may conflict with institutional regulations or the obligations of participating in projects, such as those of the European Commission's Horizon Europe programme.
It is therefore necessary for researchers to be aware of their rights as authors, and the obligations they acquire in certain contexts or through certain funding. Moreover, this knowledge is essential to rebalance a system in which the commercial interests of big scientific publishers clash with the need to reform the research system in favour of collaborative and shared science.
In this Open Science Café Webinar - organised by the ICDI Competence Centre and scheduled for Thursday 6 May from 13.50 to 15.00 - an attempt will be made to shed light on these aspects with Roberto Cippitani, Extraordinary Professor of Private Law at the University of Perugia.
The aim is also to provide practical and useful elements for researchers, presenting some practical use cases and possible solutions, and answering live questions and comments from the audience.
Registration is mandatory at the following link: https://learning.garr.it/course/view.php?id=137
For any questions or information:
Thursday 6 May
13:50 - 14:00 Link opening and welcome
14:00 - 14:10 Introduction
14:10 - 14:35 Presentation by Roberto Cippitani
14:35 - 15:00 Q&A/Discussion
About the speaker
Roberto Cippitani is professor of private law, lecturer in biolaw, health law and biotechnological innovation law; Jean Monnet Chair holder, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Perugia; former academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence "Rights and Science"; Associate Researcher CNR-IFAC. Participated in several projects funded within EU programmes (Jean Monnet, Erasmus, Tempus, ESF, Framework Programmes). Visiting professor and researcher in Biolaw and Research and Innovation Law in European and Latin American universities. Ethics consultant for research projects. Expert evaluator for Horizon 2020, MSCA. Author of more than 140 monographs and articles.
Target audience
The webinar, in Italian, is realized for the Italian community and is addressed to researchers, research support staff, technicians, technologists interested in knowing the details of copyright in science, and of the European Commission's strategy on Open Science.
Slides are available on Zenodo