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Italian Data Steward Community: Meeting on challenges and obstacles in the path towards a research data policy

Italian Data Steward Community: Meeting on challenges and obstacles in the path towards a research data policy

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 783 volte

The event will take place online on December 13, 2023, from 2:30 to 3:30 PM.

This meeting marks the beginning of a bi-weekly series dedicated to discussing common interests and outlining a strategic and operational plan.The session will commence with a brief introduction by Mauro Paschetta, an expert in Open Science and Research Data Management at the Polytechnic University of Turin, who will shed light on the university's journey in formulating a research data management policy. Considering the exponential increase in data production and their growing significance in recent years, Paschetta will provide insights into the university's strategy. Before arriving at the Policy, the groundwork involved cultivating a cultural awareness within the university about the importance and utility of responsible data management. Crucial to this was the establishment of the 'Rector's Representative for Open Science,' an academic leading initiatives to promote and disseminate Open Science practices institutionally.

Additionally, the Open Access Commission was formed, comprising a representative from each department, alongside the hiring of a dedicated professional solely focused on Open Science and research data management.

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