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EOSC Association launched a consultation for the Multi-Annual Roadmap

EOSC Association launched a consultation for the Multi-Annual Roadmap

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 864 volte

The deadline for completing the survey is 21 March 2022.

Last year, the EOSC Association developed a multi-annual roadmap (MAR) for the 2023-24 period, in consultation with 13 Task Forces. This month, the Association has launched a 3-week consultation to gather community views and consensus on the MAR 2023/24, its proposed priorities and outcomes.

For some context, the roadmap will form part of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), which outlines the framework for future research, development and innovation activities related to EOSC. More specifically, the roadmap:

  • builds on work conducted in the (previous) development phase
  • draws from the European Commission’s forthcoming Work Programme dedicated to identifying new areas of interest (e.g. data quality, digital preservation, data sharing and infrastructure)
  • will be implemented at national, institutional and European levels.

An online survey will allow you to evaluate the extent to which you agree with the priorities and outcomes defined at each level of implementation.

Interested? Read the EOSC Multi-Annual Roadmap 2023/24, the survey in pdf and complete the survey.

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