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ICDI, agreement signed with the University of Turin

ICDI, agreement signed with the University of Turin

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 1350 volte

The University, by joining the ICDI working table, provides the Italian research community with its expertise in Open Science and Cloud Computing.

Since December 2020 the University of Turin is a member of EOSC - European Open Science Cloud Association and since May 2021 is a member of Gaia-X AISBL, the international association created to develop a European data infrastructure and promote European digital sovereignty for cloud services.

Since 2018 with the investment in the HPC4AI research infrastructure, entirely designed by the Department of Computer Science, UniTo has started a path of competence development in the field of platform design for the convergence between High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods that has allowed us to participate to important European projects aimed at European digital sovereignty as the two "Advanced pilots towards the European exascale" (EUPEX and TEP) and the "European Processor Initiative (EPI)".

The participation in the ICDI working table reinforces this intention of collaboration and exchange with the most advanced European realities, operating towards Open Science and cloud services for science.

"Joining the ICDI - says Prof. Marco Aldinucci, professor at the Department of Computer Science and UniTo head of the partnership - is an important step to engage the Italian scientific community on crucial issues such as Open Science and management of data and cloud services. ICDI promotes the open sharing of data, code and scientific texts and the development of tools to ensure the dissemination, mutual control and reproducibility of scientific results. The University of Turin has a great experience on these topics and intends to share and further develop it together with the international scientific community. In fact, we expect that ICDI can become the natural interface of the Italian scientific community towards international actions in this area, such as EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) and its industrial counterpart for digital data sovereignty and cloud services Gaia-X."

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