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1-2 December 2021 e-IRG Workshop

1-2 December 2021 e-IRG Workshop

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 1175 volte

Registration is open for the Workshop organized by the European think tank e-IRG (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group) on the occasion of the Slovenian Presidency semester.

The workshop is structured in three sessions:

* Need for resilient and reconfigurable e-Infrastructures (Dec. 1, 2-4 p.m.) moderated by Andreja Gomboc, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Nova Gorica

* Gender balance and Careers in e-Infrastructures (Dec. 2, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.) moderated by Federica Tanlongo, Manager at Consortium GARR. Maria Luisa Lavitrano, from the University of Milan, member of the Board of Directors of the EOSC Association and representative of ICDI, will also participate in this session.

* Western Balkans and EU collaboration (Dec. 2, 2-4 p.m.) moderated by Jana Kolar, ESFRI Chair Executive Director of CERIC-ERIC.

To consult the program

To register

Consortium GARR - Via dei Tizii, 6 - 00185 Roma
Phone +39 0649622000 - Fax +39 0649622044 | CF 97284570583 – PI 07577141000
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