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Horizon Europe: the strategy for an open European science

Horizon Europe: the strategy for an open European science

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 1707 volte

7 October 2021, Open Science Café with Emma Lazzeri, Elena Giglia and Francesca Di Donato.

Horizon Europe is a fundamental step change in the European strategy for a more open and collaborative science. Open Science becomes an element of project evaluation since the proposal submission phase, the abolition of the Impact Factor imposes a rethinking of the impact of results by researchers and institutions applying for European funding. Emma Lazzeri, Elena Giglia and Francesca Di Donato help us understand how to deal with this change.


Thursday 7th October 2021

13:50 - 14:00 Link opening and welcome

14:00 - 14:10 Introduction

14:10 - 14:35 Presentation by Emma Lazzeri

14:35 - 15:00 Q&A/Discussion

Who will speak?

Emma Lazzeri works for the GARR Consortium on the definition of strategies, tools, training and information on open science issues. Emma coordinates the ICDI (Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure) Task Force for the National Competence Centre for Open Science, FAIR and EOSC. She is part of several international boards related to EOSC and Open Science and collaborates in both national and European projects and initiatives.

Elena Giglia is Head of the Open Access Project Unit at the University of Turin. She plays an active role in national and international working groups on Open Science, and is a partner in several Horizon 2020 projects. At the Italian Ministry of University and Research, she was part of the Commission that drafted the National Plan for Open Science, soon to be published. She was a member of the Working Group "Open Access and New Indicators" at ANVUR (2013-2014). She actively participates in national and international conferences on various aspects of Open Science, including evaluation, and carries out intensive training, information and promotional activities on these topics.

Francesca Di Donato is a researcher at the Institute of Computational Linguistics "A. Zampolli" of the CNR. Francesca deals with scientific communication and open science. She is part of the ICDI Competence Centre on Open Science, FAIR and EOSC, of the Task Force on Research careers, recognition and credit of the EOSC Association and of other European initiatives and projects on open science.

Who should attend?

The webinar is designed for the Italian community and is aimed at researchers, research support staff, technicians, technologists interested in learning the details of the patent route as research protection, and the European Commission's Open Science strategy.

Open Science Café

The Open Science café is a series of events designed to cover major topics and news from the Open Science world, dedicated to the Italian community. It aims at informing and discussing various aspects of Open Science in an informal way, in front of a coffee cup. Each event lasts for one hour and focuses on a specific theme, leaving enough time for discussion with the audience.


Register for the event at the following link


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