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The Italian Institute of Technology has joined ICDI

The Italian Institute of Technology has joined ICDI

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 1595 volte

The aim is to strengthen national and international cooperation on Open Science and FAIR data.

The Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) has always aimed at producing basic and applied research of high quality and impact. For this reason, in the last strategic plan IIT endorsed the values of Open Science and Open Innovation, drafting a programme of concrete actions aimed at enhancing the accessibility of research results and data, in alignment with the latest European policies. In this direction, IIT has set up a new repository for research data, IIT Dataverse, which will allow its researchers not only to share data openly, but also to manage them according to the latest knowledge management guidelines. Dataverse, a completely open source software developed at Harvard University, is used by an international network of universities and research institutes, including the University of Virginia, John Hopkins, INRAE and the University of Milan, as well as by a number of national repositories in the Netherlands and Norway. In addition, with a further aim to strengthen international cooperation, IIT has joined the GO FAIR initiative, participating in a coordinating role in the international network of "Data Stewardship Competence Centres". Participation in the ICDI working group completes this picture, creating new synergies with Italian infrastructures, universities and institutes for the harmonisation of national initiatives and to focus Italian participation in the European Open Science Cloud.

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