Patenting research? Between protection and open science
| Sara Di Giorgio | News
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10 June 2021 Open Science Café with Valentina Colcelli and Sabrina Brizioli.
Patenting is one of the possible ways of exploiting research results. Is it preferable to publish or patent in order to exploit research? How can protection be reconciled with open science practices? Valentina Colcelli and Sabrina Brizioli help us clarify.
Thursday 10 June
13:50 - 14:00 Link opening and welcome
14:00 - 14:10 Introduction
14:10 - 14:35 Presentation by Valentina Colcelli and Sabrina Brizioli
14:35 - 15:00 Q&A/Discussion
About the speakers
Valentina Colcelli Ph.D., is a researcher at the National Research Council (CNR) at the Institute of Applied Physics "Nello Cararra" in Florence. She is co-chair of the Regulatory, Ethics, and GDPR Working Group for Europe, Middle East and Africa for Biopreservation and Biobanks and co-coordinator of the Working Group on Ethical and Legal Issues related to Biobanking and Research (Realize). She is a member of several EU-funded projects and international research and cooperation groups of long standing.
Sabrina Brizioli, PhD in Legal Sciences with honours - scientific disciplinary field of International Law, degree awarded at the University of Perugia, Department of Law, where he currently carries out research activities. Her doctoral studies focused specifically on international environmental law and, in particular, the issue of genetic resources. A lawyer, she graduated in Legal Professions at the L. Migliorini School of Specialisation - University of Perugia. After graduating in Law, discussing a thesis on criminal procedure, she did her internship at the Court of Appeal of Perugia and was assigned, without interruption, to the Civil and Criminal sections. She has participated in many conferences in Italy and abroad related to her research activities and as of 2019 she is a member of the Europe Committee of the journal Diritto e Processo (Derecho Y Proceso-Rights & Remedies) within which she coordinates the section devoted to environmental law and policy Focus: Environmental Law and Policy. She provides legal advice on international contracts and is a lecturer in International Law, Advanced International Law and European Union Law at the University of Perugia - Department of Law.
Who should attend?
The webinar is designed for the Italian community and is aimed at researchers, research support staff, technicians, technologists interested in learning the details of the patent route as research protection, and the European Commission's Open Science strategy.
Open Science Café
The Open Science café is a series of events designed to cover major topics and news from the Open Science world, dedicated to the italian community. It aims at informing and discussing various aspects of Open Science in an informal way, in front of a coffee cup. Each event lasts for one hour and focuses on a specific theme, leaving enough time for discussion with the audience.
Register for the event at the following link https://learning.garr.it/enrol/index.php?id=139
Presentations (only in Italian)
The slides are available on Zenodo
Audio-video recording is available on the GARR YouTube channel: