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Blue-Cloud 2026, an Italian-led EU project to improve ocean sustainability

Blue-Cloud 2026, an Italian-led EU project to improve ocean sustainability

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 722 volte

The Horizon Europe Blue-Cloud 2026 project has been launched, paving the way for the development of a federated European ecosystem for accessing FAIR and Open Science datasets, applications, and resources, useful for the EU mission "Restore our oceans and waters by 2030".

The project, coordinated by the CNR and Trust-IT, an Italian company with over 15 years of experience in the ICT sector, features a consortium of 17 partners including CINECA, CMCC, OGS, and INGV. Blue-Cloud 2026 tackles the potential of the cloud-based open science with a practical approach to realizing a series of "Blue Cloud" services, namely a thematic cloud integrated into EOSC, supporting research aimed at better understanding and managing the multiple aspects related to ocean sustainability. Over a period of 42 months starting from January 2023, the consortium will develop thematic virtual laboratories, improving services for acquiring, managing, and accessing new datasets from a multitude of data sources and major digital infrastructures.

Researchers and scholars interested in learning how to use the Blue-Cloud virtual research environment and learning about an example of a thematic virtual laboratory can participate in the first webinar on 17 March from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For more information see

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