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EOSC Symposium 2022

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 778 volte

14th-17th November 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.

The EOSC Symposium the main annual event of the EOSC initiative starts today and this year takes place in Prague until 17 November 2022, as part of the calendar of events of the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU. The full program and general information about the Symposium are available on the website.

This year's Symposium is an in-person event. Only the plenary sessions on 15-17 November will be live-streamed on the EOSC Symposium event homepage and o registration is required to follow it. After the event, all session recordings will be made available, also on the official event webpage.

Organised by EOSC Future, in collaboration with the European Commission, the EOSC Association and the EOSC Steering Board, the event will assemble a patchwork of players from all corners of the EOSC community to take stock of the latest developments, highlight concrete actions and next steps to further EOSC implementation and uptake.

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an EU flagship initiative aimed at enabling Open Science practices in Europe, as codified in the 2022-2024 European Research Area Policy Agenda. It is also recognised as the science, research and innovation data space which will be fully articulated with the other sectoral data spaces defined in the European strategy for data.

EOSC will provide a federated web of FAIR data and associated services to researchers across and outside Europe. EOSC builds on existing infrastructure and services supported by the EC, Member States and research communities. It brings these together in a federated ‘system of systems' approach, adding value by aggregating content and enabling services to be used together.

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