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Stories of data, the Open Science Talk' podcast series to get to know EOSC better

Stories of data, the Open Science Talk' podcast series to get to know EOSC better

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 907 volte

The first episode produced by the EOSC Pillar and SSHOC projects is available on Anchor and Spotify.

Stories of data, the Open Science Talk', is a new podcast series to discover the world of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and offer researchers concrete and tangible examples of how and why EOSC can offer useful tools and services for research.

The first episode, produced by a team of representatives from the Horizon 2020 EOSC-Pillar and SSHOC projects, talks about the present and future of EOSC, starting from the vision and mission and presenting, including practical examples, the state-of-the-art services available to support researchers in the implementation of open science and FAIR Data.

Listen to the first episode on Anchor and Spotify!

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