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University of Macerata joins ICDI

University of Macerata joins ICDI

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 923 volte

The ICDI network of universities is widening to strengthen Italian participation in EOSC and promote open science. 

The University of Macerata (UNIMC) recognises and promotes the implementation of the principles of open science, intended as sharing, equity, inclusion, transparency, reproducibility and re-use of every aspect of research, including research data. To this end, UNIMC has elaborated its own University Policy for Open Access, to encourage Open Access in publishing contexts that are in line with the principles of transparency and with international good practices; to offer support and knowledge on research data management; and to organise training and awareness-raising initiatives. The policy is a fulfilment of the commitments made by UNIMC when it joined the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities and signed the Messina Declaration in 2004. The UNIMC Working Group on Open Science monitors the implementation of the Policy, proposes its revision and updating, liaises with institutions outside the University that promote open science and supports initiatives to raise awareness on the issue.


Moreover, through the University Commission for Research Ethics, UNIMC operates in compliance with the fundamental principle of research integrity, as established by the European Code of Conduct, which also implies ensuring that researchers follow good research practices, including ensuring, where possible, openness, reproducibility and traceability.

U-PAD (Unimc - Pubblicazioni Aperte Digitali), the UNIMC system based on IRIS (Institutional Research Information System) is available at the University to facilitate the collection and management of data related to research activities and products. UNIMC encourages the deposit in the Institutional Repository of scientific publications and in the Research Data Archive to ensure the widest possible dissemination and long-term availability, while respecting laws concerning intellectual property, confidentiality and personal data protection. 

Finally, UNIMC participates in the international debate on open science and actively contributes to its construction, through the work of the networks and associations to which it belongs. 

Joining the ICDI working table is part of this perspective, as it allows to create new synergies with Italian infrastructures, universities and institutes committed to promoting Italian participation in the European Open Science Cloud, as well as to harmonise the related initiatives at national level.

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